Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I haven't spent much time documenting things lately, but I have been trying to come up with a first floor plan. I've tried a few different things, but this one seems to work the best at the moment. I couldn't get everything to look right, especially around the stairs. Oh, and if the windows look misaligned in the back of the kitchen, that's because they do have a bit of a strange alignment. 
In the current arrangement, this is my bedroom looking through a wall into the living room. I kinda like this arrangement at the moment. 
Maybe things will look like this some day, but for now I'll just keep procrastinating by designing my future interior. Hopefully, I'll get things moving soon. I've decided to hold off a few weeks on the masonry work. In the meantime, I'm going to work on floor leveling and digging out some of the crawlspace. In the meantime, there are more pictures to see here.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Electric Brick House

New hole for switch boxes
I've been working on the house again lately, though still not as much as I should. Over the holidays, I removed all the loose plaster in my East room. Now I'm getting ready to put in new electrical boxes and finish the electrical for the room. Once that's done, I'll probably hire someone to plaster and do the skim coating. Then, the floor and ceiling should follow shortly after. 

Basically, the room had just one electrical outlet. While a renovation doesn't require updating the number of electrical outlets, I want my house to be convenient. I also want to move the exterior light and add a separate switch for a ceiling fan. 

4-Gang electrical box made for masonry
Today, I cut out a layer of bricks to mount the new electrical boxes. Basically, I used a circular saw with a masonry blade to cut the edges, then chiseled out the rest. In the next few days, I'll hopefully get the BX cabling mounted and mortar in the electrical boxes. These boxes are specifically made for mounting in masonry, so as long as I can get the cabling routed, mortar shouldn't be a problem.